A best in class cloud-based automated document template designer and authoring application for industries requiring the creation of accurate and controlled procedural documents such as Standard Operational Procedures, Work Instructions and Safe Work Method Statements. Rift Create centralises and streamlines the whole document process, end-to-end. From a set of web-based screens you can see what templates are active and available for use, who created or changed them and what version of the authored document is currently being use.
The most powerful and accurate SAP printing add-on available with unparalleled server-side performance and file format support. Rift Print is used to print and email in bulk, work packs that are used by operators to perform asset maintenance tasks to ensure all the necessary attachments are made available to them. Rift Print can be used in conjunction with Riftsoft for the creation and storage of procedural documents or stand-alone with your existing document repositories. Rift Print supports server-side connection to additional content servers including OpenText and SharePoint.
Effortlessly connects and manages the transfer of data created in Riftsoft to your ERP and CMMS systems. It provides a deep two-way integration keeping Riftsoft and your systems in perfect sync. Rift Connect electronically links documents in Rift Store to where these documents are required for use. Rift Connect links to systems such as SAP, Oracle, IBM Maximo, OpenText and SharePoint via standard and vendor API’s and connectors.
A centralised document management application that incorporates content server functionality and workflow approval to QMS standards, helping you to accomplish rapid and affordable document control compliance. Rift Store enables you to effortlessly manage workflow approval of any stored documents in a controlled and logical way. Deeply integrated with Rift Create but can also be used independently for companies wishing to achieve QMS compliance on their existing set of documents.
At the heart of the Riftsoft Cloud Platform, Rift Data provides access to all our Web Apps and stores all data created on the Riftsoft platform. We guarantee availability so that you can access all Web Apps and data anytime and on any devise. With cast iron encryption both in-transit and in our storage hub, you can be rest assured that we protect and look after your data.
Using master data residing in various systems, RelTacMD allows you to build asset hierarchies based on your existing data and PNID documents ready for import into you chosen ERP or CMMS system. RelTacMD enables you to rapidly create functional location and equipment structures and simulate entire sets of data, making single or global changes at the click of a button. Using RelTacMD ensures your organisations asset master data has been rigorously tested and signed off well ahead of its use. Once deployed, it will enable you to implement efficient maintenance strategies and save your company vast amounts of time and money.
Providing deep integration with all our Riftsoft Platform apps, Rift Reports presents analytical information in a graphical format for quick visual analysis and troubleshooting. It enables companies using our apps to find out critical information such as the number of print jobs created, and spools generated by Rift Print. It also provides details of log files and flags up any issues as they happen.